Special Sets

Mylar Halloween Teapots       

To continue on with updating your Halloween decor, today's new set has 13 Halloween Teapots. These are all optimized for use with Mylar to give your project sparkle without having to fuss with metallic thread.

Since teapots are related to kitchens we thought these would make great dishtowels. Adding a topper to the towel means you can hang them on any horizontal handle like a stove or dishwasher . The pattern and instructions to make the towel toppers are included with the set.

This set comes with 4x4 and 5x7 designs. You receive both sizes with your order. We used the 5x7 for our towels because the towels were fairly large.

If you haven't used Mylar before, be sure to check the information at this link:

Info about Mylar designs

Remember, if you use the mylar we recommend, it is washable and dryable in machines. I even iron on it for quilts or making garments!

To see stitch counts and design sizes:   

 4x4 Hoop      5x7 Hoop

Actual Sew-outs:



And since Halloween is associated
with being spooky and unlucky, this
set has 13 designs!


Mylar Halloween Teapots

Please select format:
You will receive both sizes in one zipped file.

Date Posted:10/08/23