Mylar Alpha: Garden Sans & Chair Back Pocket Holders
This new set has 26 mylar capital letters that are 1 1/2" tall.. There are also 26 lower case letters, 10 numbers and 9 small embellishment files that you can add to a name or saying. Each letter fits in the 4x4 hoop (please see the link below for actual sizes).
These can all be used individually or combined for words, monograms or names. We made Chair Back Pocket Holders for Dennis and Bridget who are both zoom schooling this year. The instructions are included with the set.
If you haven't used mylar before, be sure to check the information at this link:
Remember, if you use the mylar we recommend, it is washable and dryable in machines. I even iron on it for quilts or making garments like Bridget's dress!