Special Sets
Mylar Nursery Rhymes Designs and Quilt
Here's a timeless idea for a new baby. Nursery rhymes like "Little Miss Muffet" and "Hickory Dickory Dock" never go out of style.
This set has 12 charming nursery rhyme designs along with a 24 page instruction booklet for making this adorable baby quilt. Even if you are new to quilting, you can make this quilt with ease!
This set comes in 4x4 or 5x7 sizes. For our quilt, we used the 4x4 designs. We used 1930's reproduction fabrics for ours; you can use pastels, brights, or anything you choose. The finished quilt size is approximately 33" x 40".
The designs have been optimized for use with mylar. If you haven't tried mylar before be sure to check the information here on how to use it and where to buy it:
Mylar Designs
You can also use these designs for bibs or other baby items to make a matching set.