Special Sets

In the Hoop Large Monster Pillows      

By request, we have created a large set of Monster Pillows that are done in the hoop. These are larger than the 4x4 hoop. You can choose:

Hoop size center of
rectangle pillow
center of
oval pillow
5 x 7 hoop 5.00 x 6.02 5.04 x 6.10
6 x 8 hoop 5.91 x 7.05 5.91 x 7.20
7 x 11 hoop 6.89 x 8.41 6.89 x 8.41

These are done entirely in the hoop leaving a small opening at the bottom for stuffing. The fringe around the edges makes the pillow even larger.

Complete instructions are included.

To see stitch counts and design sizes:    5x7 Hoop      6x8 Hoop      7x11 Hoop

Actual Sew-outs

ITH Large Monster Pillows $12.00
Please select size and format :