Special Sets

Baby Tees

Set 1 - includes 12 applique baby tee shirts complete with funny and sweet sayings along with the 12 sayings as individual designs that you can use on other projects.

  • Choose any fabric for the tees
  • Use the same color for all text or
  • Pick different colors for each line - your choice!

Please note: The full teeshirt set requires a 5" x 7" hoop (or larger)

Set 2 - the 12 sayings (as pictured below). These designs fit in a 4" hoop and are great for all kinds of baby projects.

To order click your choice:
Set 1 - 12 tees for 5" x 7" hoop and 12 sayings for 4"x4" hoop $12.00
Set 2 - 12 sayings for 4" x 4" hoop $9.00